Learning To Love The Anticipation

Learning To Love The Anticipation

Photo by Levi Jones on Unsplash

The anticipation, the wait for something exciting in the future can be pretty tricky to deal with.

Whether it is a holiday, birthday, a date or any big event coming up, the anticipation associated with it can make you feel really anxious. 

You don't like to wait for it to happen. You tend to get impatient and want to enjoy the event right away.

But waiting for something doesn't necessarily has to be unsettling or overwhelming.

You can actually enjoy the anticipation. When you look forward to an event with positive anticipation, you are more likely to appreciate it and enjoy it to the fullest. 

It is better to embrace the anticipation in a positive way, rather than being anxious about waiting for it and wanting it to happen as soon as possible.

Embracing the anticipation makes the entire experience feel more satisfying and memorable. 

It allows you to :

(1) Maintain a positive attitude. 

Enjoying the anticipation increases your happiness and improves your mood. Embracing the joy of anticipation of a future event helps you in dealing with unpleasant moments in the present. 

(2) Hope for good outcomes. 

When you embrace the anticipation positively, you believe that your future is a happy place. 

So you act accordingly. Looking forward to good times helps you in becoming more optimistic and motivated.

(3) Become more patient. 

Embracing anticipation also makes it easier for you to practice patience and wait to see the results from your efforts. 

By enjoying the feeling of anticipation, you feel good about waiting for a particular event. Instead of wanting everything instantly, you learn to find happiness in waiting for something worthwhile.

The more you look forward to something with excitement, the happier you feel in the present as well. 

When you enjoy the anticipation of a future event, you celebrate the event even before you actually experience it. 

Also, you don't even need something exceptional to happen to revel in the joy of positive anticipation. 

Looking forward to seemingly smaller things like reading a new book from your reading list, cooking your favorite meal or simply some "me time" after a long day of work can feel really good. 

When you actively embrace these feelings of positive anticipation, you get better at appreciating your life's special moments. 

You look forward to enjoying each day before the event and derive maximum happiness from it. 

Instead of desiring to experience the event as soon as possible, enjoy the wait.

So how do you deal with the anticipation before a special event? What do you do to make the most out of your experience?

Share your thoughts with me in the comment section below. 


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  1. Ooh, great advice! I have a big event coming up (graduation!) and I will be looking for a new job (I’m soooo ready!!). But, I’m nervous and concerned that nothing will change, after I graduate. I’m actually anticipating a bad outcome. Crazy, I know! Your advice about looking forward to smaller things is really helpful, just having some “me” time (napping 😊) helps to calm my nerves about the future. Keep the great posts coming!

    1. That's great to hear! Congratulations. And don't worry about the outcome. I'm sure you'll land an amazing job. Make the most of your me time! Taking the time to enjoy smaller things can have a really positive impact on your mood. Enjoy your graduation day. And, do share your experiences with us.:D


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