To Those Who Are Feeling Down, Here’s a Hug From Me.
-To be totally miserable.
-To be not happy with yourself.
-To feel like digging a hole in the ground and burying yourself in it.
Even if you’re not hit by a “BIG” tragedy, small everyday problems drive you crazy. You hate it. You hate yourself. You hate your life. There are so many times you feel like running away from everything. You’re too preoccupied with the negative emotions- hopelessness, sadness, and hatred towards yourself and your life and you’re completely overwhelmed by the problems in your life right now.
You just want to be happy again at any cost.
Well, you are not alone. Everybody feels like this at some point in their life. The reasons may vary but the pain is same. It hurts. However, it WILL get better. Even you know it, but right now, you just can’t seem to believe it.
That’s why I’m here. To tell you, to remind you of the power you have within you, with which you can face even the strongest storms. Just believe in that power, believe in yourself. You are not weak. Don’t ever forget that. Charge yourself up and,
receive this warm hug from me.
This is to reassure you that you will see the end of your problems and you will be able to feel like yourself again. It will be okay. Just hang on. Relax a bit. Free your mind from all your worries for a while.
Remember that the bad phases of life, no matter how hopeless it might feel, will eventually pass. It’s not a reason to hate yourself, your life or the people around you. You just need to hold it together for a little while longer, even when you’re feeling like you don’t have any reason to be happy; know that it will pass and you will be fine.
We all wander through life to find ultimate happiness. Sometimes our endeavors work the way we want them to and sometimes they don’t. It’s okay to feel sad once in a while. But never let the negative emotions take over you.
Now take a deep breath and repeat after me.
Feel free to share your thoughts and stories below and spread a bit of happiness by sending some hugs to others.
-To be not happy with yourself.
-To feel like digging a hole in the ground and burying yourself in it.
Even if you’re not hit by a “BIG” tragedy, small everyday problems drive you crazy. You hate it. You hate yourself. You hate your life. There are so many times you feel like running away from everything. You’re too preoccupied with the negative emotions- hopelessness, sadness, and hatred towards yourself and your life and you’re completely overwhelmed by the problems in your life right now.
You just want to be happy again at any cost.
Well, you are not alone. Everybody feels like this at some point in their life. The reasons may vary but the pain is same. It hurts. However, it WILL get better. Even you know it, but right now, you just can’t seem to believe it.
That’s why I’m here. To tell you, to remind you of the power you have within you, with which you can face even the strongest storms. Just believe in that power, believe in yourself. You are not weak. Don’t ever forget that. Charge yourself up and,
receive this warm hug from me.
This is to reassure you that you will see the end of your problems and you will be able to feel like yourself again. It will be okay. Just hang on. Relax a bit. Free your mind from all your worries for a while.
We all wander through life to find ultimate happiness. Sometimes our endeavors work the way we want them to and sometimes they don’t. It’s okay to feel sad once in a while. But never let the negative emotions take over you.
Now take a deep breath and repeat after me.
“I’m a badass. I have the strength to pull myself together in adverse situations. I’m strong enough to get through the hard times and I choose to be happy. Nothing can stop me from being happy.”You deserve all the love in the world. You deserve to feel safe. You deserve to be happy. ❤
Feel free to share your thoughts and stories below and spread a bit of happiness by sending some hugs to others.
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